Monday, August 6, 2012

Benefits of Cleaning with Essential Oils

Essential oils are a natural alternative  in cleaning.  The majority of essential oils possess the properties effective in cleaning, although some are more useful than others. Some are also more toxic so it is important to know the properties of each individual oil, its suitability for cleaning and any cautions for use.

Essential oils are 100% naturally occurring plant products. These liquids are found in plants such as flowers, trees and shrubs. They have been used in the past medicinally, specifically for aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine used to effect a person's mood or health. Thus, they can be used to effectively clean the home while providing these additional therapeutic benefits. If you don't believe aromatherapy works, you'll still enjoy the pleasant fragrance given off by essential oils. Used in cleaning, essential oils also provide antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic qualities to homemade cleaners, though these properties occur in different combinations in the different types of essential oils.

In 1989, a study published in the "Journal of Horticultural Science," found that savory and tarragon essential oils were capable of prohibiting the development of many types of bacteria that threatened health.

Some oils include:

Cinnimon:  Antiseptic Properties; Stimulant: Excellent for Exhausted states & Depression

Clove:  Antiseptic & Disinfectant Properties; A Stimulant

Lavender: Sweet, Floral Scent; Antiseptic & Antiviral Properties; A Bacteriacide; Antidepressant, Decongestant, Deodorant, Detoxicant.

Citrus:  Antiseptic and Disinfectant Properties; Antidepressant; Bacteriacide.

Eucalyptus:  Antiseptic & Antiviral Properties; Bacteriacide; Decongestant & Deodorant; Has a cooling effect on emotions and boosts concentration.

Rosemary: Antiseptic Properties; Antidepressant & Stimulant; A memory aide.

Peppermint: Antiseptic Properties; Decongestant & Stimulant; Excellent for mental fatigue, depression & has an affect on asthma.

Teatree: Antibiotic, Antiseptic & Antiviral Properties; Bacteriacide; Stimulant.

Clary Sage:  Antiseptic Properties; Deodorant; Encourages well-being and an excellent pick me up for the nerves.

Dusting Divas Cleaning Inc. has cleaning products that contain essential oils and will use them in your home or business by request. Contact us today for more information at 250-469-2353 or at our email . You can also check out our website at

"Aromatherapy Workbook"; Shirley Price; 2000
"The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy"; Valerie Ann Worwood; 1991

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