Friday, July 27, 2012

Vinegar - The Natural Solution for Cleaning

10 items to Clean with Vinegar!
  1. To shine chrome sink fixtures that have a lime buildup, use a paste made of 2 tablespoons salt and 1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar. 
  2. Clean counter tops and make them smell sweet again with a cloth soaked in undiluted white distilled vinegar. 
  3. Clean the microwave by mixing 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar and 1/2 cup water in a microwave-safe bowl. Bring it to a rolling boil inside the microwave. Baked-on food will be loosened, and odors will disappear. Wipe clean.
  4. Clean the shelves and walls of the refrigerator with a half-and-half solution of water and white distilled vinegar.
  5. Cut the grime on the top of the refrigerator with a paper towel or cloth and full-strength white distilled vinegar. 
  6. To clean a grease splattered oven door window, saturate it with full-strength white distilled vinegar. Keep the door open for 10 to 15 minutes before wiping with a sponge.
  7. Remove soap buildup and odors from the dishwasher
  8. Get rid of lime deposits in a tea kettle by adding 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar to the water and letting it sit overnight. If more drastic action is needed, boil full-strength white distilled vinegar in the kettle a few minutes, let cool and rinse with plain water.
  9. Remove mineral deposits from coffee makers with white distilled vinegar. Fill the water reservoir with 1 cup or more of white distilled vinegar and run it through a whole cycle. Run it once or twice more with plain water to rinse clean. (Check the owners’ manual first.) 
  10. Kill germs all around the bathroom with a spray of full-strength white distilled vinegar. Wipe clean with a damp cloth
  11. by pouring a cup of white distilled vinegar inside the empty machine and running it through a whole cycle. Do monthly.
I have only listed a few applications for vinegar. If you have any questions or would like to have more free time call Dusting Divas Cleaning Inc. today, serving the Okanagan area!

Our passion is to make your life easier. If we have eliminated one less stress in your life our mission has been successful. We want you to love the life you have by giving you the freedom to live it!


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